Q&A with Anna Bohn

Originally posted on April 12th, 2019

What is your name and where are you from? 

-My name is Anna Bohn and I live in Georgia.

At what age did you ride your first horse?

-I did occasional pony rides and summer camps when I was little, but I finally convinced my parents and started lessoning consistently around age 13.

Tell us about Cappy!

-Cappy or “Quite Capitol 3” is a 15 year old Holsteiner gelding that I show in the equitation! My trainer, Michael Leon, shows him in the jumpers. He has the best personality and is so forgiving.

How did you first meet Cappy?

-Cappy came to my barn, Windsor Stables, last summer. He had mostly only done jumpers but he has done so well in the equitation ring! 

What person has been the most influential in the horse aspect of your life? Why?

-Hmm this is hard. Really my trainers Michael Leon and Bella Randall have had a big influence on me in the horse aspect of my life. They work harder than anyone I know, it really pushes you to better your work ethic. Besides being an amazing rider, Michael handles every situation (where I would have no idea how to handle it) with such professionalism and grace. I think we can all learn a lot from that.

What horse has taught you the most about yourself?

-I think every horse has something to teach you. Most often it’s the difficult ones that make you a better, more patient person.

 What horse has taught you the most about riding?

-I’ve definitely learned and improved the most with Cappy. I’ve never had one consistent horse as long as I’ve had him, so he’s very special to me.

What is your most memorable moment with a horse?-Hmm. I don’t have one memory that jumps out at me. I have so many good memories from my evening group lessons with all my friends though. I think those will be memories I’ll cherish forever. 

Does anyone else in your family ride?

-Nobody else in my family rides. Both my brothers are super allergic to horses and my parents are not huge fans of horses, so it’s just me! 

What is your favorite part about horses?

-My favorite part about riding horses is the teamwork of it. You and your horse are athletes, so you have to put in the same work and effort you expect from your horse.

What are your biggest achievements?

-I don’t have many big or impressive achievements, but one thing I am proud of is how far I’ve gotten myself in my riding as it hasn’t always been easy. Coming from a non-horsey family, funding myself, and starting riding so late has stacked the odds up against me at times. 

Any advice for beginner riders?

-I’d really just say have fun with it! I’ve ruined too many things for myself by being stressed out or worrying. There are times you need to be serious, but learn to take a joke and don’t stress. We all started somewhere. 

What is one piece of knowledge that you feel should be passed along to every equestrian?

-Be respectful and professional. Dress well, show up early, and be ready to listen. Come to every ride prepared and watch the other riders go. Listen to what your trainer tells them. Be kind to other clients and employees. Overall, be respectful and professional.

A massive thank you to Anna for agreeing to do this! Go check out @bohnequestrian to see more pictures of her and Cappy!-Paint Me Dappled